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Use TppLine to print vertical or horizontal lines. The orientation of the line is determined by the value of the Position property. Use the Style property to control whether a single or double line is printed. The Pen property is used to control the line's color and width. Set the StretchWithBand property to True if you want the Height of the line to stretch as the band stretches (this only occurs when a memo component is stretching and the band PrintHeight property has been set to phDynamic).


The TppLine component is very useful for giving reports a distinctive, professional look. Double Style lines are great for underscoring report totals.


Use the Report Designer's Format Bar to set the Position property and to BringToFront or SendToBack. Use the Graphics Palette to set the Pen Color (PC) and Pen.Width. To access the speed menu for this component, position your mouse cursor over the component and click the right mouse button.


Use this object to draw a line on the report.  This would generally be used to put lines above totals, between values, etc.






The following are the properties that apply to this object.  Some are defined in Common Properties and are linked to their appropriate page.


HeightThe heigth of the Line on the report form.  If the Line is printed it will always take the size of the object on the form.


LeftThe starting position of the Line indicator.  If the Line is printed it will start where you have placed it on the form.



ParentHeightIf this is checked the Line will start at the top of the Band where it is placed, and stretch to the bottom.  You will still be able to control the Width of the Line unless you have also checked the ParentWidth property.


ParentWidthIf this is checked the Line will start at the left side of the Band where it is placed, and stretch to the far right side.  You will still be able to control the Height of the Line unless you have also checked the ParentHeight property.


PositionThe line that is printed is actually just one side of a square.  This property allows you to choose which side of the square you want to use; top, bottom, left or right.


StretchWithParentIf the band the Line is placed on contains a TppDBText object that can grow in length (AutoSize and WordWrap is checked), and the Postion property is lbLeft or lbRight, and you don't check this property, the Line will not grow as the number of lines printed grows.  The default value is unchecked.




WeightThe thickness of the line.  The smaller the number the thinner the line.




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