Report objects come in two flavors. They can be just like Form Objects, that is objects you place on the report form; or, they can be part of the Report Form itself, generally called bands. They will determine what the report looks like when it prints.
Properties are features of objects that effect how they look, how they operate, and the information they return to you. In Report Objects these properties can be modified only at design time. There is a list of some properties that are common to many of the objects; what they are, what they're used for, their type, etc. These are defined in separate sections under Common Properties rather than over and over again each object.
Some objects are on a pallet, similar to the Form Objects, some are accessed through the menu. For each object you will see the appropriate icon on the object palate or the menu selection, a description of what the object is used for and a list of properties that are unique to that object (or haven't been previously defined in Common Properties).
There is only one event for a Report Object and it applies to only a few of the objects available. The event is OnPrint. If it is available for an object it will be described.
For more information about how objects are placed on a report, moved around, or removed please refer to the tutorial, specifically PART 4 - CREATING A TAS Professional REPORT.
The report formating tool used in TAS Professional is based on Digital-metaphors Report Builder. To get more information about how this part of the TAS Report builder works you can find more information on there website at This part of TASPRO would cost $499.00 USD
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