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Disable All Screen Objects

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Use this command to set the ENABLED property for each object on the current form, except those specified, to .FALSE.




EXCEPT f/c/e1,f/c/e2,...,f/c/ex  The names of the objects you don't want to disable would be added here separated by commas.




When you execute the LOAD_MODAL() function you effectively set all the objects on the current form to disabled (ENABLED = .FALSE.).  However, this applies to all forms in the current application (instance of the runtime) so the effect is that you can't access the menu or any other programs that were loaded from the current menu until that modal form is released.  This command gives you the option to have the save effect but only on the active form.  For example, say the user has loaded a customer edit screen then went back to the menu and loaded a vendor edit screen.  These are two completely different programs that have nothing to do with each other except that they're running in the same instance of the runtime.  If, for some reason, during the customer editing routine, you load a modal form that is connected to the customer form not only would the user not be able to access the customer form, but they also wouldn't be able to access the vendor form or the underlying menu until they were finished with the modal form and it was released.  In some cases you may want this to happen (login screens, etc.).  However, in some cases you may just want to keep them from going back to the current active form until they're done with what ever you want them to do.  In that case you would use this command in conjunction with the LOAD_FORM command and the RELEASE_FORM and ENABLE_ALL commands after they're done.  They will still be able to access the vendor edit screen and the menu even though they won't be able to go back to the customer edit screen until they are finished with the new current form.


NOTE:  You can also disable individual objects by setting their ENABLED property to .FALSE.





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