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Display Error Message

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Use this command to display an error message using the standard Windows dialog box.  You can also set the internal System Error Number field.


ERR f/c/e Required - You may use this in two ways.  It can be set as an A type field and the program will display the field as the error message.  It can also be set as a numeric value (any appropriate type) and the program will read and display the appropriate record in the ERRMSG.B file.


NUM f/c/e If this value is set it will be saved in the internal Program Error Number field.  You can access this value elsewhere in the program through the PERR() function.



By using the ERRMSG.B file as the storage for error messages you can easily add, change, delete, etc. any appropriate message.  You should start any message numbers at 5000 or more.  This will assure that no messages will have to change due to interference with records saved for system purposes and provided with the system.  Obviously, the error number values don't have to be sequential.



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