This command activates a TTASTreeView object on the form. It is appropriate when you are using the TTASTreeView for an in-memory array instead of an actual file.
WTREE f/c/e |
Required - The name of the TTASTreeView object on the form |
This option would be used when you are first specifying the counter field, number of elements, etc. Otherwise, you can use one of the display options below and you can reset any of the options originally set here. When this is called the first time certain setup routines are called in the tree view and need not be called again. |
Use this option to remove all the rows from the tree and disconnect the tree from the arrays. This would only be used if you are going to change the columns from one WTREE command to another. |
COUNTER_FLD fn/v This is the field that will be used both internally (in the tree itself) and externally (in your program) to determine which array row is being accessed. Each time the tree returns control to your program this field will have the current array row as its value. If this is during the SETUP process then this is Required option.
FILE This will load a Text file from disk to load the TreeView. (used in Setup)
NAME This works like the Counter_fld. But give you the Text of the Selected Text..(Used Setup)
Insert Insert a TasTreeNodeTemplate Object into the TreeView
Object Used for giving the name of the TASTreeNodeTemplate
Display |
REDISPLAY - Redisplay starting with the first visible row on the tree and continuing from there. |
REDISPLAYFROMTOP - Redisplay starting with the first element in the array.
REDISPLAYFROMEND - Redisplay starting with the last element in the array.
UPDATECURRENT - Refresh all the columns in the active row.
REDISPLAYCURRENT - This assumes that you've changed multiple values in the array. It will move the current selected row to the top of the visible tree and will display all the elements that come after it.
NOTE: If there are not enough rows to fill the tree and there are rows above what would normally be the top, those rows will be displayed and the nominal top will be moved down. The row cursor will be moved down also.
REDISPLAYACTIVE - This would be used if you have set the counter value and want to redisplay the tree based on that value. It will be placed at the top of the visible tree and all rows that follow it will be displayed.
NOTE: If there are not enough rows to fill the tree and there are rows above what would normally be the top, those rows will be displayed and the nominal top will be moved down. The row cursor will be moved down also.
See Also TTASTreeView