Use this object to Access any WEB Page. This object will work with any HTML Page weather it is on a local computer or the internet. And should react the same way as your currently installed version of Microsoft internet explorer.
FullScreen Will make the object Full screen
GotoURL This is a Runtime only parameter to change the current URL
Helpkeyword keyword for help
Helptype how to search for keyword
Offline If object is in Online of Offline modes
Sethome this the home URL (Defaults to
TheaterMode A type of Full screen mode
URLDirection – A Runtime only Paramiter:
WEBGOHome - Take you to the home URL
WEBGOBack - Take you back to the Last URL
WEBGOForward – Take you to the Previous URL (Only after using the WEBGOBack)
WEBGO - Take you to your GOTOURL
WEBSTOP - Stop the processing of the URL
WEBREFREASH – refreshes the object.
Note : Use the UrlDirection in your code with the set_object Command when set this will fire the object to do the above behaviours.
UserAgent User agent Signature.
This object has events that are called depending on what the user does. The events are routines in your program that may return a value (generally .True. or .False.) or just alert your program that something is happening. An event looks to your program for a special label. It is made up of the object Name, a period (.) and the Event name (listed below). For example, the Change event below would be: ObjectName.Change:
There are no Events at this time.