Maximums (all sizes in bytes/characters unless otherwise given):
Single field size (string, A type): 4gb
Number of array elements in any one array: 4gb
(all arrays are single dimension)
Record size: 64k (Btrieve)
2gb (CodeBase)***
Number of keys per record: 24 (Btrieve)
47 (CodeBase)*
File size: 4gb (Btrieve)
8gb (CodeBase)
Number of fields per record: 255**
(an array field counts as one field)
Number of files opened per program: 255
Number of fields per program: 65,535
(an array field counts as one field)
Size of DEFINEd data per program: 4gb
Size of single source code module: 4gb
Size of compiled constant section: 4gb
Size of compiled code section: 4gb
Length of a single source code line: 64k
Number of nested structures: 20
(each type separately)
Maximum number of nested CHAINed programs: Limited by Memory
*Even though the number of keys is more in CodeBase your programs are still limited to 24 in this version. Once a transition is complete from Btrieve to CodeBase many new features will be added that only apply to CodeBase.
**The maximum number of fields in CodeBase is 2046, however, each array element is considered a discrete field.
***The current maximum record size is 64k for both Btrieve and CodeBase.
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