TAS FILE (Btrieve)
This command is used to create (initialize) TAS Professional Btrieve(tm) files.
INIFLE filename SPECS specifications CNF
filename - f/c/e - Required - The name of the file to be created. The file name must include the
standard file name, the extension, and the file path, if any.
specifications - fn/v - Required - This is the field containing the information Btrievetm will use
to create the data file.
CNF - Optional - If this option is included in the command the program will confirm that the
user wants to create the file before trying to create it. However, if the file already exists, the
program will alert the user that the file exists and confirm that they wish to initialize it
irregardless of this option.
You must have a full copy of the developer's version of Btrieve(tm) available from Novell before attempting
to use this command. The requirements for properly setting up the specifications buffer are beyond
the scope of this document.
Also See CreateBtv() This is a new function used to create (initialize) TAS Professional Btrieve(tm) files.
Page url: http://www.cassoftware.com/tas/manual/initializetasfile(btrieve).htm