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This command will temporarily transfer control to a subroutine that has been hidden by a duplicate label, added through a runtime compilation.



INHERITED f/c/eRequired - The label name that has hidden one or more previous labels.  If there is no previous label then nothing will happen.




A subroutine 'called' through this approach must use the RET (Return) command when finished.  Unlike a function, no data may be returned.  You might want to call the previous routine at the beginning of the new routine, at the end, or sometime in the middle.  All are acceptable.


NOTE:  If you have compiled the same routine multiple times, that label may end up being called the number of times you've compiled the code.  Each time it is called, a different section of code will be executed.  Once compiled, that code is never cleared.




//this could be a new routine called by some code compiled at runtime.

 //something would happen here


 inherited '' //notice that you don't include the colon (:) as part of the label name.






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