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Convert Btrieve Data Dictionary to CodeBase

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1.  Run the TP7SETUP.EXE program.  When the program asks if you want to copy a set of data dictionary files to the new subdirectory, answer yes.  This will copy the appropriate files from the TAS7 subdirectory.

NOTE:  Make sure the Use CodeBase checkbox is not checked.


2.  After the setup routine is completed, execute the TASRUNTIME program.  Run the program WTASCNVTCB.RWN.  This will be in the original TAS7 subdirectory.  Click on the START button to begin the process.  This program will copy the files, fields, keys and other information from your current Btrieve data dictionary to the new CodeBase version.


3.  When the program above is complete, run the program DBF_FLDS.RWN, also in the same subdirectory.  Again click on the START button.  This program goes through your data dictionary and makes sure there are records in the FILEDBF file for each record in the FILEDICT file.  You can run this as many times as you wish, it will not delete what is already there.


4.  When you're finished with the above your data dictionary has been converted.  Exit from TASRUNTIME and restart TAS Pro.


NOTE : Important you can not run the WTASCNVTCB.RWN program from the TAS Pro IDE TASPRO7.EXE.

If you do it will  cause the program to error it must be run without TASPRO7.EXE running because the IDE has the Data dict files open.



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