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There is an entry in the TASPRO.INI file that doesn't appear in any of the setup programs.  It is in the [Setup] section and the item name is AutoAddFlds.  Normally, you won't see this appear in your INI file.  However, internally, in TAS Pro, it is automatically set to 1000.  This means that every program you run automatically allows for 1000 extra fields that are added during runtime.  This is in addtion to any extra fields you specify in the program.


When you open a CodeBase type file the runtime automatically loads all the fields from the data dictionary for that file at the time it's opened.  This is necessary due to the way the index search fields work.  By loading all the field specs you can avoid having to add extra code to your programs.


Most of the time, 1000 extra fields will take care of all your needs.  However, in some situations, it will not.  In that case you can either increase this value by adding it to your TASPRO.INI file, e.g., AddNewFlds=2000, or, by including the #ADD_FLDS compiler directive in the appropriate program.


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