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JC-C - Transactions

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Purpose of Program


If you want to enter transactions for projects directly without using the standard Advanced Accounting 7 programs you would choose this option.  Also use this program to make changes to the sale price of the project (e.g., in reducing the Current Price to the Amount Billed before closing a job).


 Transactions made here do NOT affect other parts of the Advanced Accounting 7 system including General Ledger.  However, if you answer N to the Automatically Post to Job question in JC-F - JCMS Configuration Info, you will need to run the posting routine here to update job data.


Field Explanations


Project Code

The regular project code.  Press the F2 key to get a listing of available projects.


 The project must be active or you won't be able to enter/post transactions to it.


Customer, Project Name and Current Price

These are all retrieved automatically from the project record.


Last Tx#

The last transaction number for this project.


This Tx#

The transaction number for this transaction.  Incremented automatically by the program.


Transaction Type

Types include Labor, Materials, Sub-contract, Other, Billings, Receipts or Change to sale price.


Cost/Task Code and Description

If the transaction type is Labor, Materials, Sub-contract or Other then you must choose which cost code to apply it to.


Reference 1 and Reference 2

These change depending on the transaction type.  They are for your reference only.



Date of transaction.  Will default to today's date.



Description of transaction


% Cmpl

If this is for Labor, Materials, Sub-contract or Other you may enter the completion percentage for that category in that cost code.  This is used when you print job cost analysis reports.



The number of units used for this category.



The amount per unit.



Unit of Measure.



Automatically calculated from Rate X Units.


The information below the line shows the totals for the entire job at the current time.


General Program Operation


Entering a new transaction

a)Enter the appropriate job code.  To get a list of jobs press the F2 key.


b)The cursor will move to the This Tx# field.  Press the ENTER key only.


c)The menu displayed above will appear.  Select the appropriate choice.  The name of that choice will be put in the Transaction Type field.


d)If this is Labor, Materials, Sub-contract or Other the cursor will be in the cost code field.  Enter the appropriate cost code or press the F2 key to get a list of cost codes for this project.  You must choose a cost code for these categories.  If the transaction type is Billings, Receipts or Price Chg, this field will be skipped.


e)Depending on the transaction type you will be able to enter two reference fields for the transaction.  This might be Employee and Check# for Labor, or Customer and Invoice for Billings, and so on.  This is for your own reference.


f)The date will default to today's date.


g)You may enter a short description for the transaction.


h)If this is Labor, Materials, Sub-contract, or Other, you will be able to enter a percentage completion amount for this category and cost code.  You will also be able to enter units, rate and unit of measure.  The program will use default values where applicable.


i)For Billings, Receipts and Price Chg, the program will go directly to Extension and allow you to enter the applicable amount.  Using Price Chg as the transaction type, this is where you can alter the current price of the job in preparation for closing.  See the information earlier on Closing a Job for more details.


j)You can save the transaction by pressing ENTER to move through all the fields and then answering Y to the save question.  You can then continue to the next transaction or go back and change this one.


k)When you are finished entering transactions for this project, press the ESC key while the cursor is in the This Tx# field.  If you have saved transactions for this job you will be offered the chance to post the transactions now.


l)When the posting process is complete the program will return to the Project Code field and you can enter transactions for another project.


Changing transactions

a)Transactions may be changed or deleted until they are posted.  To change existing transactions enter the Project Code as you would when entering new transactions.


b)With the cursor in the This Tx# field enter the transaction number you wish to change or press the F2 key to get a list of outstanding transactions.


c)You may change any part of the transaction.


d)Press ENTER to move through all the fields to get to the save question even if you are not making changes to them.


Deleting transactions

a)Transactions may be deleted until they are posted.  To delete existing transactions enter the Project Code as you would when entering new transactions.


b)With the cursor in the This Tx# field enter the transaction number you wish to change or press the F2 key to get a list of outstanding transactions.


c)With the cursor still in the This Tx# field press the F4 key.


d)Answer Y to the Are you sure? question, and the transaction will be deleted from the file.



Transaction Report

Press the ^R (CTRL+R) key and the screen above will be displayed.


a)This report will print the transaction information for current projects or from the history file.


b)Enter Y to print from the history file or N to print current projects.


c)You may restrict the print out by Project Code, Cost Code, Category (Labor, Materials, Sub-contract, or Other), and Transaction Date.  When the report is complete you will return to the main project screen.


 The Advanced Accounting 7 programs that interface to the Job Cost system also save records in the transaction file, and these records will be printed here.


Post Transactions

a)If you don't post transactions when they are entered you may do so by pressing ^P (CTRL+P) or clicking the Post transaction button when the cursor is in the Project Code field.  The screen at the above will be displayed.  You may choose to post all transactions not yet posted or restrict the posting to specific jobs or dates.


b)After the posting process is complete the program will return to the main transaction screen.


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