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This object is created automatically for all SubReports that you add to your Report Form.  The Title Band prints just once, when the SubReport starts.  Don't forget, the Header Band created on the main page will still print on every page.




Report -> Title



The following are the properties that apply to this object.  Some are defined in Common Properties and are linked to their appropriate page.


HeightThis is the vertical distance of the band in the appropriate units.  You can adjust the Height of any band by moving the mouse to the bottom bar of the band, the mouse will turn into a double headed arrow, and, holding the left mouse button down, move the band up or down as desired.


NewPageIf this property is checked then when this Title Band is printed it will start on a new page.  The default value is unchecked.







Each time you select the Title option from the menu you toggle the band on and off.  If you turn the band off the check mark next to the item in the Report menu will turn off and the band will disappear on the current page displayed.


NOTE:  If you turn a band off and there are objects on that band, they will be deleted from the form with the band.


NOTE:  The band options on the Report menu effect only the currently displayed page.



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