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Set Btrieve File Active

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If you have two or more TAS Pro 5.1 files that all use the same buffer (i.e., the same file descriptor

name or schema), and you need to switch from one to the other when searching for a particular record

(FIND command), then you need to use this command to make the switch.


SETACT file_descriptor_name FILE file_name

file_descriptor_name - sac - Required - The FD name (or schema for 3.0 users) for the files to be switched. The name can be a maximum of 8 characters. Must be the actual FD name.

file_name - sac - Required - The name of the file that needs to be SETACT. The name can be

a maximum of 8 characters. Must be the actual file name.



We recommend that you use the OPENV (Open Variable) and FINDV (Find Variable) commands

which obviate the need for this command. However, the SETACT command is included here for

compatibility with Previous versions of TAS Professional.





    setact bkprcurp file bkprhist


nextcurp1:  //this is the prhistory file

    find M srch BKPR.CURP.EMPNM  err invl1 NOCLR


    save BKPRhist nocnf

    goto nextcurp1


The above example uses the open command and find command both of these commands also still work however we do recomend using the openv and findv commands.

See Also





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