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Read From Non-TAS File

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This command will cause the program to read a specific number of characters from a non-TAS file at a certain location.


READ fn/v Required - The file number value.  This is the same value as that received in the OPENV (Open Variable) command.  The file must have been previously opened


START f/c/e The first byte position to read from.  The first character position in the file, for this command, is 1.  If no start value is given or the value is 0 the program will use the current internal file position value.  (When the file is opened the position value is automatically set to 1.)  This must be an R type field.


NCHR f/c/e The number of characters to read.  If this is not supplied the program will use the size value stated in the OPENV (Open Variable) command.


TO fn/vNormally the characters read would be saved in the buffer specified in the OPENV (Open Variable) command.  However, you may use this option to specify a different buffer field to be used during the execution of this command.




The internal file position value will be set to the first character following the characters read.  For example, if the start value is set at 10 and the number of characters to be read is 10, the position after the READ command will be 20.







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