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No Valid Message

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Use this command to turn off the standard internal Valid Message that will display automatically when the VALID_CHECK() function returns .False.


NOVLDMSGNo options / No Modifiers



Normally, when you execute the VALID_CHECK() function you want the message you have saved in the ValidMsg property, or the standard message to display.  However, there are times when you may want to display a special message.  In that case you would execute this command BEFORE the VALID_CHECK().  Each time you enter a new field the NoValidMessage flag is reset.  This will allow you to choose which situations you want the standard Valid Message to be displayed, and which you don't.



You have am tasenter object on the form the name of this object is called 'test_obj' and you have created a UDF called chk_test.


func chk_test

// the fld for test_obj is bkar_custcode

if bkar_custcode = ''

  msg 'You have to enter a customer code here..'


  ret .f.


ret .t.





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