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This function will evaluate any ValidExpr properties in all of the columns of the specified data grid.




1 f/c/eRequired - The name of the TTASDataGrid to be checked.



If any ValidExpr evaluates to False this function will return False, otherwise it will return True.



During the check process the program will scan through the specified grid for any column that has a ValidExpr property that is not blank.  When it finds one it resolves the expression.  If the expression returns True it continues on to the next column until all have been tested.  If the expression evaluates to False it exits the test and returns False to this function.  In normal process you would exit the subroutine you're running and allow the user to fix the problem.


It doesn't matter how many ValidExpr's there are in the grid.  It will continue to check each one until they all return True.  This feature allows you to add or remove checks without having to worry about changing your code.  You do have to remember to recompile the program to include (or remove) valid expressions.


This is very similar to the VALID_CHECK() except that it only works with the single grid you have named in the function.



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