All objects on a form (visual or non-visual) have properties. These can be accessed using this function. For more information about properties please refer to Form Object - General Info.
1 f/c/e | Required - The object name. This would be the value in the Name field that is a part of each object. |
2 f/c/e | Required - The property name, e.g., 'Top', 'Left', 'Visible', etc.. |
3 f/c/e | This function will automatically use the active form in the current program. However, you may want to access an object on a different form. If so, use the FORM_PTR() value here. |
RETURN TYPE - Variable
The return type depends entirely on the property. The possibilities are: A - Alpha or string value, B/I/R - Integer value, or L - Logical (boolean).
If the function can't find the object or property then it will return the string: 'No Value Returned'.
define a type a size 50
a = get_obj_prop('btnTest','Caption')
// a = 'This is a Test'
// using the button above and
// assuming the name is btnTest
(* NOTE: You can get subproperty values
using this function also. So, for
example, if you wanted to get the
font size for the above object
you would use: *)
define x type n size 5
x = get_obj_prop('btnTest','Font.Size')
(* Notice that you put the subproperty
as part of the property field with a
period (.) between the property name
and the subproperty name. There
are not very many properties with
subproperties. The Font property is
the most commonly used of that type. *)
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