A field name may consist of up to 15 characters. The first character must be alpha (A-Z). You cannot include spaces, or other math or comparison operators within the name. All other characters are acceptable, including numbers as long as they aren't the first character. The compiler sees no difference between upper and lower case characters. This applies to fields within files/records or those created within the program using the DEFINE command.
NOTE: The maximum field name size in DBF files is 10 characters. Also, you cannot include any characters other than A-Z and 0-9 and _ (underscore). When you add a new field in WTASDMGR a short field name will be automatically created. You can then adjust it as desired. In any TAS program you write you will access the field by the 'normal' 15 character name. However, if you are using CodeBase as a database manager, and you access the files with non-TAS programs, you will need to refer to the fields by the special 10 character names.
The following are legal field names:
The following are not legal:
2abc first character must be A-Z
+customer_code first character must be A-Z and can't use math operator
invoice-num can't use math operator.
Page url: http://www.cassoftware.com/tas/manual/fieldnames.htm