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Equals Portion of

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This is a TAS Professional 3.0 command here for compatibility only.

The preferred method is to use the =MID() function.


EQU_MID recv_field FLD parse_fld START start_val NCHR num_chrs MEM_AREA memory_area#


recv_field - fn/v - Required - The field that is going to receive the portion of the parse_fld.


parse_fld - fn/v - Required - The field that you want a part of.


start_val - f/c/e - Required - The starting character in the parse_fld. The first character in the field is at position 1.


num_chrs - f/c/e - Required - The number of characters to get from the parse_fld.


mem_area# - f/c/e - Optional - If you are actually getting the characters from a memory area then this is the number (from 1-4).


NOTE: Even if you want to use a memory area you must still specify a parse_fld, although it will be ignored during execution of the




This is the equivalent of the TAS Professional 3.0 command Equals Portion Of.





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