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This function will display a dual list dialog box that has been previously placed on the form.  For more information about the dual list dialog please refer to TDualListDialog.




1 f/c/eRequired - The object name.  This would be the value in the Name field of the TDualListDialog object.



If the user clicks the OK button the function returns .T., if they click the Cancel button, the function returns .F.



If a TDualListDialog exists on the current active form, and the object name is correct, a dialog box, similar to the one below, will be displayed.  The user can then move items from the left side to the right side and back again.  You can access both the lists (List1 and List2) through the use of the STRINGS() function.  In general use, you would provide the List1 items and the user would choose the ones they wanted.  Then, if they click OK, your program would use the List2 strings (again, using the STRINGS() function) and process them as necessary.




// assuming that the TDualListDialog object name is dldTest

// the following would display the dialog below.


define x type L

define i type I

i = strings('dldTest','List1',stAddLine,'Line Num 1')

i = strings('dldTest','List1',stAddLine,'Line Num 2')

i = strings('dldTest','List1',stAddLine,'Line Num 3')

x = dual_list_exec('dldTest')




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