This function will return the given field as a B type (1 byte integer) field.
1 f/c/e | Required - The field to be converted to B type. |
The original field is not changed.
F, P, T, and D type fields cannot be converted to B; however, all others can (including A type fields). If an L type field is converted, a .T. value will be converted to 1, a .F. to 0. If the value of the field to be converted is larger than the maximum value of a B type field (255), the result will be truncated and will not be accurate.
NOTE: This is the same as using the ASC() when converting an A type character.
DATE() Convert to Date CTOD() Convert to time CTOT() TIME GET SET Convert time to record TTOR() Covert time to number TTOF() Convert time to string TTOC()
TIME() YEAR() Date Command Date to Record DTOR() Convert date to Character DTOC() Days in month DAY_IN_MONTH
Increment the Month INC_MONTH DayMonthyear DMY() Month Day Year MDY()
Charicter of month CMNTH() Charicter to day of week CDOW()
Page url: http://www.cassoftware.com/tas/manual/converttobyte().htm