Sales Order Preview

The CAS Accounting Sales Order module provides a sophisticated and flexible way to track customer orders while managing your inventory more efficiently. Orders can be set to ship immediately or you can reserve stock from on hand for future shipping, backorders can be filled automatically, orders can be processed for inventory at multiple locations, and an open S/O can have additional items added, or have products invoiced from it, at any time.
The Sales Order module contains the program options listed below. Immediately following that is an overview of the program operations.
A- Enter Sales Orders
B- Print Open S/O List
C- Print Packing Slips
D- Print Backorder List
E- Release Sales Orders
F- Print Invoices on Forms
G- Post Invoice
H- Print Shippng Labels
I- Recurring Invoice Entry
J- Generate Recurring Invoices
K- Display Invoice History
L- Purge Invoice History

A- Enter Sales Orders
Enters new sales orders and allows you to add or change those previously entered. You can change line items on a sales order until they are posted by Print Invoices on Forms (SO-F) or Post Invoices (SO-G). You can add items to a sales order or delete items not yet posted until the order is complete. The print routine within this program prints a copy of the sales order that can be used as a point-of-sales receipt.

B- Print Open S/O List
If you want to track which customers still have outstanding orders or which products are ready to be shipped, this program will assist you by printing a listing of the non-invoiced items on any open sales order. You can sort this report by customer code, product code, or sales order number. You can also choose to print sales order totals only or line item detail, listing each product and the quantity ordered.

C- Print Packing Slips
In order for you to be able to stage and fill orders prior to having the delivery invoice printed, this program prints a packing slip for each open sales order. This program lets you print slips for as few as one sales order at a time. The packing slips list the sales order number and quantities sold, and include a check-off box for you warehouse personnel to fill in the actual quantities shipped.

D- Print Backorder List
Prints a listing of S/O line items on backorder. Included are the product code and description, the customer, sales order number, estimated ship date, units to ship, and units on backorder. You may limit and sort this report by product code or estimated shipping date.

E- Release Sales Orders
This program allows you to release inventory items that you have held in reserve for a specific customer. If you have specified a sales order or line item as not ready to ship, the order will be held until you release it. You can change this setting and release the item using Sales Order Entry (SO-A), or this program.

F- Print Invoices on Forms
Prints the delivery invoices generated from your sales order entries on invoice forms or on blank paper. You may choose a range of invoices to print, or print all invoices not yet printed. After the invoices are printed, you can choose to post the invoices.

G- Print Invoices
If you want to delay posting until the end of the day, or for some other reason want to post your invoices separately from the printout process, use this program to complete the posting. You can choose to post all invoices that have already been printed, or to post only those from certain sales order, limited by a range of sales order number.

H- Print Shipping Labels
Prints standard shipping labels for a range of invoice numbers. You may also choose how many labels to print for each invoice.

I- Recurring Invoice Entry
Allows you to enter a template for identical periodic transactions such as a contract for routine customer service or maintenance. You can enter these items as a recurring invoice, then you simply generate and post invoices periodically. If the transaction changes, the recurring invoice can be edited and retained. A recurring invoice can only be entered for non-inventory items.

J- Generate Recurring Invoice
Generates the current periodic transaction from the recurring invoice template entered in SO-I.

K- Display Invoice History
Displays a single posted invoice on the screen, or gives you the option of printing a list of posted invoices, in the form of invoice entry screen facsimiles. This history should be purged periodically using SO-L.

L- Purge Invoice History
Deletes all records in the invoice history file. This program allows you to keep the history file within a manageable size for your system.

M- Reprint Invoice
Use this program to reprint an invoice after it has been posted.

N- Return Invoice
Use this program to return an invoice to an open state this will reverse all posting and give a full audit trail of the return in the general ledger.

Any Questions Please contact us at Computer Accounting Solutions

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