General Ledger Overview

The General Ledger module allows you to keep track of your overall accounting operations. In this module, you can print your journals and detailed trail balance, print a balance sheet, income statement or cash flow statement, enter or post adjusting entries, reconcile your check register to a bank statement, and perform your monthly and yearly closing routines.The General Ledger module contains the program options listed below, followed by and overview of the program operations.

A- View/Chg Chart of Accounts
B- Enter/Chg/Print G/J Entries
C- Post G/J Transactions
D- Print Journals
E- Print Detailed Trial Balance
F- Enter Financial Statements
G- Print Financial Statements
H- Print G/L Code & Description
I- Print Check Register
K- Reconcile Check Account
L- Month End Routines
M- Year End Routines
N- Transfer Bank Account Funds
O- Enter Recurring G/J Trans
P- Generate Recurring G/J Trans
Q- Format Custom Statements
R- Print Custom Statements

A- View/Chg G/L Chart of Accounts
Reviews your Chart of Accounts or changes the budget for an account that already exists. You cannot create, change, or delete accounts using this program. Use Enter/Change G/L Accounts (SY-E) to create, change or delete.

B- Enter/Chg/Print G/J Entries
Makes entries to the General Journal. G/J Entries are generally made for special occurrences that do not fit within the structure of Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Payroll entries (i.e., entering depreciation expense for the month). You may make up to 250 entries in a single transaction, and enter as many transactions as necessary. You may change a transaction until it is posted. You must also use this program to print any or all journal transactions that have not yet been posted. Dont forget to use Post G/J /Transactions (GL-C) to post entries made in this program.

C- Post G/J Transactions
Posts the entries made in GL-B to the General Ledger.

D- Print Journals
Prints your various posting journals. Journal reports are a vital part of the accounting process. The journals may be reprinted as many times as desired until you run Month End Routines (GL-L). Below is a list of the available journals and the transactions they record:
General G/J entries that have been posted by GL-C.
Cash Receipts C/R type entries posted by GL-C: cash transactions from invoice posting in AR-D; and receipt of payments from AR-F.
Cash Disbursements A/P check/cash transactions and cash disbursement type transactions from GL-C.
Credit Sales All non-cash transactions from invoicing.
Credit Purchases All non-cash transactions from A/P, including sales tax and payroll tax transfers to A/P.
Other Inventory value or quantity changes and bank account funds transfers.

E- Print Detailed Trial Balance
This program is similar to Print Journals (GL-D). This program prints the transaction information in G/L Account Code order. You can specify a range of posting dates, G/L Account Codes, G/L Department Codes, or any combination.

F- Enter Financial Statements
Enters or changes the G/L Accounts and Departments printed using Print Financial Statements (GL-G). You are offered a choice of three different types of statements: Income Statement (Profit and Loss), Balance Sheet, and Statement of Changes in financial Position (Cash Flow).

G- Print Financial Statements
Prints the financial statements according to the information entered in GL-F. You can specify which statement to print and on each statement, up to 4 different choices form a menu of amount categories and months. You can also specify a range of G/L Departments to include, and whether or not to print the detail, account codes, and percentage of the totals for each department.
If you are using multiple companies and you have used Consolidate Financials (SY-H), to create a consolidated Chart of Accounts, you are offered the option of printing a statement from those combined records.

H- Print G/L Code & Description
Prints a listing of the General Ledger Account Codes and Descriptions. You can enter a range of account numbers and department codes to print.

I- Print G/L Chart of Accounts
Prints a complete listing of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts and Amounts. You can enter a range of account numbers and department codes to print and choose from a menu of amounts to be printed.

J- Print Check Register
Prints all entries to the check register within specified dates. You can enter a range of dates to limit the printout, and choose the checking account from which to print. Use this report to compare your check register to the monthly bank statement.

K- Reconcile Check Account
Reconciles the check register to the banks statement

L- Month End Routines
Clears the monthly amounts in Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Inventory. It will also delete posted General Journal entries, invoiced orders, and received purchase orders. You may also choose to clear the Detailed Trial Balance file. This should be cleared at least once a year. You will also be asked whether or not this is the end of a quarter. If you answer yes to this question, the quarterly payroll amounts will be cleared. Make sure you have printed all necessary reports, and have backed up your data files, before running this program.

M- Year End Routines
This program will clear the yearly amounts in all files with year-to-date fields. In the General Ledger, the amounts will be moved to the previous years column. You should run Month End Routines (GL-K) before running this program. Make sure you have printed all necessary reports, and have backed up your data files, before running this program.

N- Transfer Bank Account Funds
This program allows you to record the transfer of funds from one checking account to another. Withdrawal and deposit records are created in the check register, and transactions are posted to the General Ledger and General Journal.

O- Enter Recurring G/J Trans
Allows initial entry of template for any periodic General Journal transaction, such as bank fees, or a monthly depreciation adjustment, for posting by GL-P.

P- Generate Recurring G/J Trans
Generates the currently due recurring G/J transactions from the template information entered in GL-O. This program allows you to generate and post the transaction without printing, or to place the transaction in with the other G/J entries for printing (GL-B) and posting (GL-C).

Q- Format Custom Statements
This program allows you to set up specialized financial statements covering any part of your business. You can create custom report titles, specify an unlimited number of subcategories and headers within an account listing, and set up amounts and totals in separate columns.

R- Print Custom Statements
Allows printing of any of the financial statements set up in GL-Q. This program operates similarly to Print Financial Statements (GL-G).

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