Recieveable Overview
The Accounts Receivable
module allows you to enter, change, or print your sales and customer
information. You can record all of your invoices and customer records.
You can find out which of your customer invoices are overdue, record
customer payments, and print statements for your customers. You
can also print your customer information out as a simple list of
names and codes, a list with addresses and telephone contacts (on
paper or Rolodex cards), or an extended list of customers and sales
information. In addition, CAS Accounting & IIIs full integration
makes this information available throughout the system, so the customer
data you enter here can be called up instantly in other modules.
The Accounts Receivable module contains the program options listed
below. Immediately following is an overview of the program operations.
A- Enter/Change Customers
B- Enter/Change Vouchers
C- Record Payments
D- Charge Interest on Inv
E- Print Statements
F- Print Aging
G- Print Cust Code & Name
H- Print Cust General Info
I- Print Cust Sales Info
J- Print Cust Mail Labels
K- Print Cust Rolodex
L- Enter Tax Authorities
M- Print Tax Authorities
N- Transfer Tax Owing
O- Customer Refund
A- Enter/Change
Enters new customers or changes information about current ones.
You can also use this program to delete a customer, unless that
customer has outstanding invoice or credit amounts. The Terms information
entered here will be used as a default in Enter/Change Vouchers
(AR-B) and Enter/Change Sales Orders (SO-A). Also in (INV-A) Enter
Change invoices in Accounting.
B- Enter/Change
Enters vouchers or manual checks directly to the Accounts Receivable
G/L account without creating an invoice or affecting inventory.
This can be used for non-inventory sales, adjusting entries to a
customer account, or for initial set up of the A/R records. You
may change a transaction entered here until the invoice is paid,
totally or partially. The voucher may be distributed over a maximum
of 10 different G/L accounts.
C- Record Payments
Records payments made by your customers. You may enter prepayments,
partial payments, overpayments and payments in full, and apply outstanding
credits. This program can automatically apply the payment to the
outstanding invoices, starting with the oldest, or you can pick
individual invoices. You are allowed to choose at the end whether
you want to save or edit your choices.
D- Charge Interest
on Inv
Adds an interest invoice to customers who have overdue invoices.
The customers charged are those who have Charge Interest? set to
Y in their customer record.
E- Print Statements
Prints the customers outstanding invoice information on statements
forms. You may specify a range of customer codes for printing, and
you have the option of summarizing transactions into a balance forward.
F- Print Aging
Print three different aging reports. The first is a single-customer
overview for a quick scan of one account. The second is the standard
aging by customer giving totals for current, 30, 60, 90, and 120
days (or for periods you define). The third is a very useful listing
of open invoices grouped by type of invoice. For each invoice, Print
Aging prints the invoice number, date, customer code, name, invoice
description, amount remaining, terms type, and age in days. The
oldest invoices are printed first and you may choose to limit the
report by entering a range of terms types, customer codes, or both.
G- Print Cust
Code & Name
Prints a listing of customer codes and names. You may limit the
report be entering a range of customer codes. H- Print Cust General
InfoPrints the customer general information including address, contact,
and telephone number. You may limit the report by entering a range
of customer codes.
I- Print Cust
Sales Info
Prints the customer sales information including monthly, year-to-date,
and last year comparisons for: Units Sold; Gross Sales; Cost of
Goods Sold (COGS); and Net Sales. You may limit the report by entering
a range of customer codes. by state basis, giving you the flexibility
to operate in multiple states and still keep your sales tax liabilities
in order.
M- Print Tax
Prints a listing of your state tax liability from AR-L, allowing
you to limit the report by state or locality, and allowing you to
break down the report into monthly totals.
N- Transfer Taxes
This program transfers Accounts Receivable state sales taxes owed
to Accounts Payable, creating A/P line items which can be chosen
for payment.CAS & III Invoice Module and Sales order module.
O- Customer RefundUse this program to make customer refunds to the
accounts payable module. Invoice Module ( Only) A- Enter/Chg Invoices
B- Print Invoices on Forms C- Print Shipping Labels D- Enter Recurring
Invoice E- Generate Recurring Invoices F- Return Invoice Invoice
OverviewThe Invoice module allows you to enter, change, or print
your sales. To use Invoice programs, you must already have necessary
default information entered into Enter/Change Comp Info (SY-A),
including your checking accounts, Invoicing defaults, and your company
name (for printing). You will also need the terms information entered
into Enter/Change Terms Info (SY-B).
For a complete list of
what needs to be set up before using Invoice, see Getting Started,
chapter 2 l of the on line help system. In Invoice you may record
all of your invoices. The Invoice Menu shown below is displayed
by selecting R from the choose menu. Immediately following that
is an overview of the program operations. Finally, you will see
a detailed explanation of each program, describing exactly how to
use each one.
A- Enter/Change Invoices
Enters new invoices or changes those previously entered. You may
change an invoice until it is posted by Print Invoices on Forms.
The print routine within this program prints a copy of the invoice
that can be used as a packing slip or point of sale slip. However,
the invoice will not be posted to Invoice until you run AR-B and
answer Y when asked if the invoices printed correctly. Use this
same program to enter Credit Invoices.
B - Print Invoices on Forms
Prints the information entered in IN-A on invoice forms or to blank
paper. To enter the printing defaults, use Enter/Chg A/R Defaults
After the invoices are printed, you may accept or reject the printing.
If accepted, the invoices will be posted to all appropriate files.
You may choose a range of invoices to print, or print all invoices
not yet printed.
C - Print Shipping Labels
Prints shipping labels from information entered in IN-A. You may
specify a range of invoice numbers to print, and you may choose
how many labels to print for each invoice
D- Recurring
Invoice Entry
Allows you to enter a template for identical periodic transactions
such as a contract for routine customer service or maintenance.
You can enter these items as a recurring invoice, then you simply
generate and post invoices periodically. If the transaction changes,
the recurring invoice can be edited and retained. A recurring invoice
can only be entered for non-inventory items.
E- Generate Recurring
Generates the current periodic transaction from the recurring invoice
template entered in (INV-D.)
F- Return Invoice
Use this program to return an invoice to an open state this will
reverse all posting and give a full audit trail of the return in
the general ledger.
G- Print Shipping List
Use this program to print a picklist or shipping list.
Any Questions
Please contact us at Computer Accounting Solutions
