Payable Overview
The Accounts Payable
module allows you to enter, change, or print your vendor and purchase
information. You can record all of your purchase orders and vendor
records. You can find out which of your invoices are overdue, choose
the ones you want to pay, and print the checks to pay them. You
can also print your vendor information out as a simple list of names
and codes, a list with address and telephone contacts (on paper
or Rolodex cards), or an extended list of vendor and purchase information.
In addition, CAS Accounting & III makes this information available
throughout the program, so the vendor data you enter here can be
called up instantly in another module.
The accounts Payable
module contains the program options listed below. Immediately following
that is an overview of the program operations.
A- Enter/Change Vendors
B- Enter/Change Vouchers
C- Print Inv Due by Date
D- Pick Vouch/Inv to Pay
E- Print Pro-forma Check Register
F- Print Checks G- Print Aging
H- Print Vendor Code and Name
I- Print Vendor General Info
J- Print Vendor Purch Info
K- Print Vendor Mail Labels
L- Print Vendor Rolodex
M- Enter Recurring Vouch
N- Generate Recurring Vouch
O- Void A/P Check
P- Print A/P Payment History
Q- Purge A/P Payment History
A- Enter/Change
Enters new vendors or changes information about current ones. You
can also use this program to delete a vendor, unless that vendor
has outstanding invoice or credit amounts. The terms information
entered here will be used as a default in Enter/Change Vouchers
(AP-B) and Enter/Change P/Os (PO-A).
B- Enter/Change
Enter vouchers (used for non-inventory charges, manual checks, or
account adjustments) directly to the Accounts Payable G/L account
without creating a P/O or affecting inventory. You may also use
this program for all purchases if you dont use the Enter/Change
P/Os (PO-A). You may change a transaction entered here until the
invoice is paid, totally or partially. The voucher may be distributed
over a maximum of 10 G/L accounts.
C- Print Inv
Due by Date
Creates a listing of all invoices due or overdue between two dates
that you supply. You also have the option of automatically tagging
all printed invoices so that CAS Accounting & III will recognize
them as ready to be paid.
D- Pick Vouch/Inv
to Pay
Marks for payment the items created in AP-B or Receive Purchase
Orders (PO-D). You may either automatically pay all outstanding
items or choose which ones are to paid. The items recorded in this
program are used in Print Pro-forma Check Register (AP-E) and Print
Checks (AP-F).
E- Print Pro-forma
Chk Reg
Prints a listing of items to be paid from AP-D and the net effect
of these items on the checking account chosen. Items to be paid
are listed in vendor code order.
F- Print Checks
Prints checks on check forms to pay the items from AP-D or AP-C.
You can reprint the checks if there is a problem. Once accepted
the items will be automatically posted to all applicable files and
G- Print Aging
Print three different aging reports. The first is a single-vendor
overview for a quick scan of one account. The second is the standard
aging by vendor giving totals for current, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days
(or for periods you define). The third is a very useful listing
of open invoices grouped by type of invoice. For each invoice, Print
Aging prints the invoice number, date, customer code, name, invoice
description, amount remaining, terms type, and age in days. The
oldest invoices are printed first and you may choose to limit the
report by entering a range of terms types, vendor codes, or both.
H- Print Vendor
Code & Name
Prints a listing of vendor codes and names. You may limit the report
by entering a range of vendor codes.
I- Print Vendor
General Info
Prints the vendor general information including address, contact,
and telephone number. You may limit the report by entering a range
of vendor codes.
J- Print Vendor
Purch Info
Prints the vendor purchase information including monthly, year-to-date,
and last year comparisons for purchases. You may limit the report
by entering a range of vendor codes.
K- Print Vendor
Mail Labels
Prints mailing labels. The program can print in zip or vendor code
order and may be limited by zip code or by vendor code.
L- Print Vendor
Prints general vendor information on Rolodex cards. You may chose
to print all vendors, limit by vendor code, or print only new vendors
not yet printed.
M- Enter Recurring
Allows you to enter vouchers to serve as templates for identical
periodic transactions such as rent, utilities, and lease payments.
Once the template is created, use AP-N to generate and post the
voucher automatically. If the transaction changes, the recurring
voucher can be edited with no change in the posting procedure.
N- Generate Recurring
Generates and posts invoices from the recurring voucher templates
entered in AP-M.
O- Void A/P Checks
Voids Checks that have already been printed and posted in the A/P
module. You can print the accompanying A/P Void Register to screen,
disk or printer.
P- Print A/P
Payment History
Prints a listing or paid Accounts Payable checks, in vendor order,
within specified ranges. For each vendor the listing includes the
bank account name, check number, date and amount, and the invoice
numbers, dates and amounts for which the check was written.
Q- Purge A/P
Payment History
Purges the Accounts Payable payment history files, subject to limitation
by range of vendor codes, bank accounts, check dates, and check
numbers. Prints a listing of purged Accounts Payable checks, in
vendor order.
Any Questions
Please contact us at Computer Accounting Solutions
